Xiaomi had unveiled the Redmi Note 4 last week, and the device’s another variant is now passing through Chinese Telecom Regulatory Authority TENAA, carries the model number 201606. Its predecessor Redmi Note 3 had came with the serial number 2016050. The device was once spotted on TENAA before, but without any images. But this time, pictures from every dimensions have been added which confirm the design leaked earlier. The device also leaked earlier through GeekBench ans some live images, revealed some of its specs.
Although, from the TENAA revealed information, the device looks more similar to the Redmi Note 3 as leaked earlier. Only physical change we could notice on the device is the placement of Camera flash lights, mounted on the left side of camera module instead of placing between camera and fingerprint scanner.
According to TENAA listing, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 features 5 inch Full HD TFT display, reduced from 5.5 inch of Redmi Note 3. Screen size reducing is reflected on dimensions also, weight reduced from 176g to 160g, but became a slighter thicker by increasing 0.4mm. The device is powered with an Octa-Core Processor clocked at 1.8GHz, which could be one of the latest SoC from Qualcomm, Snapdragon 625. Redmi Note 4 consists of 3GB RAM paired with 32GB Internal Storage, but probably the basic model. So the higher variant will be powered with 4GB RAM. The device will be sported a 13 MegaPixel main camera coupled with the front facing camera of 8 Mega Pixels. Along with the usual connectivity options, Xiaomi also included an IR Blaster on top of Device, to substitute your Remote the controllers. Interestingly, the device will be shipped out with the Android 6.0.1 Marsmallow packed, and would get Android 7.0 Nougat update in any mean.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 smartphone battery will be juiced up with the same old large battery of 4000mAh. The device is expected to launch on any day of this month, as the Lenovo paved the way for Vibe K5 Note already. As they have already made the device official with MediaTek chipset as global edition, the Snapdragon variant will be specialized for Indian Market as in the case of Redmi Note 3. The available colour options listed on TENAA are Gold and Silver only, and the Charcoal Grey colour is absent.