Today,Whatsapp released their new app for Windows and MAC devices. The app is available to download like any other Windows/ MAC software. You can use this app as a mirror client for your mobile app of Whatsapp. It is same as the native Whatsapp web service. The main benefit of downloading this app is that you can use the Whatsapp web without any browsers. This new app comes with better desktop notifications, better keyboard shortcuts, and more.
To connect the app with the Whatsapp of your phone, open the app and scan the QR code using the WhatsApp app on your phone (look for WhatsApp Web menu under Settings). You need Windows 8.x or newer versions to use the app in Windows PC. You need Mac OS 10.9 or higher to use this app. Whatsapp is adding new features and expanding their services day by day. Simply,Whatsapp is very very favorite app for any tech consumers.